Business Tech

5G in Pakistan still needs to make significant investments – GSMA

5g in pakistan

5g in Pakistan

Speaking to the media, Mr. Gorman expressed his disappointment that, in regards to the Digital Pakistan initiative, little had changed since he visited Pakistan three years prior.

He cited the GSMA intelligence report that highlighted Pakistani policymakers’ opportunity to accelerate the Digital Pakistan initiative’s progress and build a solid foundation for the rollout of 5G in the nation.

This can only be accomplished by putting into place crucial reforms using the Whole-of-Government Approach (WGA) to enhance the financial stability of the overall telecom sector and the capacity of industry players to invest and innovate in the business.

Given the current rate of investment, it will take Pakistan a long time, perhaps years, to reach that level given the size of the investment required to develop the infrastructure for the launch 5g testing in pakistan, according to Mr. Gorman.

He claimed that the biggest issue facing Pakistan’s IT and telecom sector at the moment was its inability to draw in investment.

According to Mr. Gorman

Pakistan’s IT sector is experiencing financial difficulties as a result of rising operating expenses that are outpacing decreasing investment returns and expansion opportunities.

He claimed that 5G had benefits that weren’t just for mobile phone users and that it was more of an enabler for the industry’s transition to a highly digital one. However, he insisted that Pakistan wasn’t ready to introduce 5G in pakistan at this time.

5g in pakistan
5g in pakistan

Acording GSMA

The head of GSMA stated that 5g in Pakistan needed clear and implementable policies in addition to a competitive environment in order to modernize its IT and telecom sectors and ensure that the country’s overall economic system was transparent.

Mr. Gorman suggested that Pakistan change some of its policies, such as removing the US dollar from government payments, particularly in light of the recent 30% depreciation of the rupee.

“While payments to the government are made at the rate of the dollar, tariffs and earnings are expressed in rupee terms,” he said, adding that the rupee’s devaluation had increased the industry’s financial burden.


Q1: Does Zong have 5G?

Ans: No

Q2: In which countries 5G is available?

Ans: USA,Uk,China etc



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